Mozart 2 Pro

Info Window

Mozart's info window is quite elaborate and features some important functionality. It is accessed via the Info button in the top right corner of the notation or game view. Here you can check what version of Mozart you are running. There are many other options as discussed below. The image above shows the iOS version of the info window.



The documentation link opens the device's web browser to this documentation.


Report a Bug...

To make it easy for you to let us know if something does not work as expected we implemented a bug reporting feature. Just tap the "Report a Bug…" link in the Info window and your device's email client will open a precomposed message that contains some device specs in the message line, but no text. Note that you should enter some description of what seems to be wrong.


Social Media

We include a bunch of links to our social media presence in the bottom left corner. Feel free to browse around. In particular you might enjoy taking a look at Mozart's own Facebook page as it is continuously updated with featurettes, new options, comments etc.


Game Characters

Clicking or tapping the big question mark in the top right corner of your iPhone gets you to a reference of all game characters that can appear in Mozart. Each one has a brief description. Note that on some devices like the iPad for example this list is right in the Info window.

Last but not least a bit of self promotion. In the bottom right corner you can see our (RoGame Software's) logo which is also a button. Just a quick way to get to our homepage.



The Info window not only show what version of Mozart you are running but includes other valuable resources. Make sure to give it a look.

Next let's take a look at some miscellaneous features we have not been able to mention yet.
