Mozart 2 Pro


We don't want to imply by the title of thos chapter that the options discussed here are of any lesser importance than others. On the other hand these features play a bigger role once one has already mastered the general interface of Mozart. So let's dive right into it.


Level Restart

The level restart token makes its appearance in the upper levels of Mozart and comes along as a thumping heart. When this note is identified or guessed correctly the level restart heart will situate itself right next to the life points display in the bottom left of the notation view and display the level it was identified in. But what does that mean?

It means that your next game in Mozart will not start at its default level (i.e. level 1), but at the level your level restart token was claimed. So that could be level 12 or 27 or any other number. But it does much more than that. You also will receive the score you had at the time the level restart token was claimed and the exact number of life points. That is pretty great.

In addition to alll of the above you can stack level restart tokens. So if you receive a token at level 12 and then another at level 15, your level 12 token will be upgraded to the new level including your life points and score at that time.

Should you start a game with your level restart token and end it via the stop button in Mozart you forfeit your token. Just be aware of that.


Do Over

Do Over is a new feature in Mozart 2 Pro and probably liked best of all new features by our testers. Do Over lets you repeat the last game exactly. So if you got nabbed by a bomb or something else happened and it was Game Over all of a sudden, now you have a chance to rectify that.

Selected Key

Above you can see the Do Over button in the top right corner right under the Info button. To load your do over just tap or click the button and a brief animation will commence at the end of which the start button will have changed its appearance:

Your Do Over is now ready and loaded and you can have a second go at that game.

Tere are a couple of instances where you will lose the Do Over due to game mechanics. For one if you change clefs or instruments the Do over will not be available any longer, because the game would have changed too much for it.


Pausing the Game

Games are paused automatically when another app is launched. When you get back to Mozart 2 after a phone call maybe or a text message you’ll see a large start button. This way you can get your head back into the game and resume once you’re ready.

Note: Pausing is not currently implemented in the Mac OS version of the game.



This ends our brief introduction to Mozart 2. Hopefully this documentation was exhaustive enough. There are many options in this game and much to learn so have at it!
